Welcome to my shrine!

Welcome to my Foo Fighters shrine! I've seen many people make pages like this, where they spill their heart out about something they love, and I thought I'd make one for my favorite band, Foo Fighters! This page has some information about why I love the band, how I found out about them, the website itself, and other cool stuff like fun facts, music, and history! Have a good look around!

Can't be bothered to read everything? This is all you need to know.

About the Site

I styled the site after the 2009 Foo Fighters website, and if you look at it you can see how many assets I stole. Each time a new album released, the website's theme changed to match the new album. In 2009, their greatest hits album came out, so the site is themed accordingly. My favorite albums are their earlier works, and I felt like the greatest hits theme matched that the most. In the background, you can see the logos for their first six albums.

Why do I love Foo Fighters?

I always have trouble answering this question. I like them for many reasons that I can't exactly pin, but there's a few I can say for sure.

I haven't heard a lot of bands from the 90's rock era, but I always felt like Foo Fighters had a really unique style that itched my ears the right way. Other bands like Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, and Nirvana are very good, but there's always a nitpick I have about them. One of those nitpicks is definitely the "every 90's band singer" syndrome, if you know what I mean. I don't mind it at all, but its not unique. Dave Grohl is a really good singer, and sometimes the 90's singer comes out (especially in his earlier songs), but its not prominent.

I think the biggest thing that makes me love Foo Fighters is the emotional connection I have with the music. When I was younger, my perception of music was just, "hehe haha the guitar sound good," but since then I've come to really appreciate music for what it is, and the effort that goes into producing it. This came from listening and learning about Foo Fighters! One of the most impressive things to me was Dave's ability to record all of his debut album by himself. The amount of effort that takes is crazy, and it forced me to try to listen for each instrument in the song individually to hear how Dave played each one. If you've ever done that, you know that it makes you realize how important each instrument is to a song. As I started to listen to more and more Foo Fighters, I started to realize how amazing of a band they are, and, after listening to other bands from the era, officially labelled it as my favorite band.

How did I find out about Foo Fighters?

Funnily enough, from my favorite anime; JoJo's Bizarre Adventure! Now, this may make me seem like a nerd, but bear with me. If you've ever been into JoJo, you know that all the important characters are named after bands, songs, or albums the creator likes. When I actively watched the show, I would look up each name that I didn't recongnize. Around 2022, I started watching the 6th part of the show, and this character was introduced, Foo Fighters!

Honestly, the character herself isn't that interesting, but she introduced me to Foo Fighters as a band. The first two songs I listened to were Monkey Wrench and Everlong. The main reason why Everlong hooked me when I first listened to it is because I thought it sounded like InTheLittleWood's intro, a youtuber my mom and I used to watch back in 2013. Ape brain, I know, but I really enjoyed the song, along with Monkey Wrench.

At the time, I didn't really get too in-depth with music, I just had lists of songs that I liked. So for a while, I only ever listened to those two songs, and I really enjoyed them. Another music quirk I have is that I don't like to listen to the same song over and over, so eventually I decided I needed to see what else Foo Fighters had to offer. That's when I listened to the Colour and the Shape for the first time, and my mind was blown. Like I said, I didn't get too in depth with music at the time, so it wasn't a thing about how good each instrument or section sounded or anything like that, it was just the goodest music I'd heard in a long time. Naturally, this drove me to listen to their other albums.

Some Fun Facts About Foo Fighters

I'm not too in touch with the Foo Fighters community, so don't blame me if some of this stuff is obvious ( 〃..)

The one everyone knows

Dave Grohl, the singer of Foo Fighters, was the drummer for Nirvana! Everyone that has heard a song by either band knows that, though. BUT! did you know about...


When Dave was in Nirvana, he (obviously) knew how to play the guitar along with the drums, and he wanted to make some music of his own. So, in his pass time, he would record some songs and later release them in a 1992 album, Pocketwatch, under the psuedonym Late! You should really check it out!

Hey, Johnny Park!

Did you know that Dave Grohl met Johnny Park? When asked about the song, Grohl responded, "Oh, my God, that song's about 15 different things! The only reason why it's called 'Hey, Johnny Park!' is because when I was young, my best friend was this kid who lived across the street from me called Johnny Park and we were like brothers from the age of 5 to 12. I haven't heard from him since I was about 14 years old and I thought if I named a song after him he might call."
However, on the Fooboard (the forums from the old foo fighters website), a fan who got to talk to Grohl said that they met up right after the album was released!

What is a Foo Fighter, anyway?

"Foo Fighter" is slang that was used by allied pilots during WW2 to describe UFOs. If I were to go into depth about the origins of the term, I'd basically be copy-pasting the Wikipedia article, so you should go read it yourself! Foo Fighters' debut album was recorded entirely by Dave Grohl, and he chose a plural name to create the impression of a full band.

And more to come...

Here's my ranking of Foo Fighters' albums!

Here's a collection of Foo Fighters-related GIFs and Pictures that I've saved while browsing the web!