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Hey folks, welcome back to your irregularly scheduled site update! This time, I've added something to the extras page, like I promised... ladies and gentlemen, Foo Fighters! I've seen many of these "shrines" around Neocities, and I've wanted to make one for my favorite band for a long time. You should check it out on the extras page!

I have returned from the dead to bring you... the EXTRAS PAGE!!!!!!! I for SURE plan to add more to this, but for now all I've added is the arcade! which has games! and stuff! CHECK IT OUT!!

I added my CD Collection to the projects page! It's small, but I plan to grow my collection!!! Also, I've added a spooky Halloween theme! It's kind of.. basic, but I made it late at night and I didn't feel like using my brain ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

HOLY SHRIMP!!!! I ADDED THE STYLE SWITCHER!!! It's up in the top right! Currently there are 3 themes: Y2K, Aero, and Noir. Y2K is the one you know and love. Aero is based on the frutiger aero aesthetic, shoutout to this website for the tutorials! Noir was originally going to be a simple dark theme, but I decided to push it farther and make it a 1940's detective theme! It can be a bit buggy sometimes, so if it looks wrong then refresh the page or try picking a different style. I'm very proud of what I've done so far, and you can look forward to even MORE themes because I have too many friggin' ideas in my head!!!!
ALSO!!! I have added advertisments! Wait wait what? I'm not making money, silly! I'm advertising other people's pages!! Thanks to the coolest damn site I've seen I can show off other people's sites, which I think is really really cool! You might even see my ad in there!!!!

Let there be winamp! Wait, whaaat? That's right, thanks to the magic of webamp, you can now listen to every Beat of the Week in one sitting! Check it out on the BOTW Archive page! It's a little iffy right now, I'm trying to figure out how to make only certain boxes show and change their size, as well as making it undraggable. There's also those really annoying orange lines coming from the bottom, which I figured out was because of the website's CSS trying to give that section a scrollbar, but I'm not entirely sure how to make one object not have a scrollbar. I have also included a link to the cool pages page in the bottom left of this page, because I felt like the link was a bit hidden. I want everyone to see everyone's page, not just mine!

Nothing at all! I updated the Beat of the Week, but I'm getting too busy and I don't feel like doing anything ┐(´д`)┌
I'll get to working on the website some day.

Added the Projects page! It's a little dry, but it's a start.
Updated Beat of the Week, nostalgic?
I'm slowly chipping away at this page, it's not much of a priority so I've been focusing on other stuff, lol. I started doing art, but I'm not showing anything until I get good at it!!

Updated the Beat of the Week. This track absolutely hits. Sorry for not updating the site at all, college really gets in the way of things :/
I'll try to get the projects page up this week, and I'm still trying to figure out why the theme switcher won't work. I did say I was only going to put major updates here, but I'm trying to not leave the 4.5 people that follow my page in the dark lol

Added an archive for Beat of the Week
Updated the info page, added my links and moved the site buttons to its own page.
I'm working to make a theme switcher, its really difficult because of the way I set up the css but I'll get it working soon lol. shoutout to all my homegirls

Printed Circuit Board is here! I think I did a very nice job with the website so far, some things could look different but at the end of the day I achieved the look I wanted it to have. I was trying to go for that "y2k futurism" design that you can see in websites around the early 2000s, but I was also trying to give it my own flair so it can feel more personal and less cut-and-dry. One of my biggest inspirations was this image of Higher Source Media from 2002 (you can really see it in the buttons on the left). Something about that website really jumped out at me, so I decided I would start by making my css look similar to theirs, but like I said with my own personal additions. I even made my own buttons!

I should really make some stamps, too. Anyway, this section will be where I post the most recent major update. I'll probably add something small to show the date of the last update. ok thx for reading bye!!!