Welcome to Printed Circuit Board! This site is a place for me to put my projects, personal updates, and other stuff I like. Of course, the site is under construction, but nonetheless have a look around!
Hey folks, welcome back to your irregularly scheduled site update! This time, I've added something to the extras page, like I promised... ladies and gentlemen, Foo Fighters! I've seen many of these "shrines" around Neocities, and I've wanted to make one for my favorite band for a long time. You should check it out on the extras page!
• Completely overhaul the HTML and CSS to make everything modular (themes will be cooler)
• Add more styles and polish existing ones
• Make a proper song player for Beat of the Week
• Work on electronics so I have something to put on the electronics page
• Add more to the info page
• Make webamp work properly
• Probably update the guestbook
• Add a chatbox?
![]() I am one of the most popular flavours in the world. Subtle and smooth, I go reasonably with anyone, and rarely do anything to offend. I can be expected to be blending in in society. What Flavour Are You? |