



Welcome to my website! This is a place for me to put my projects, art, and other stuff I like. Of course, the site is under construction, but nonetheless have a look around!



Hello!!! Here's an update for you that DIDN'T take me a month! I've added two things: my blog and the music player! The blog looks kind of shit, but that's okay because I wasn't too focused on pretty design for that one. The music player is also... rudementary. I'll update it with some proper graphics in the future, but I got so excited to add it because I found a super easy solution for a music player: drakonic's niumusicplayer! It's all packed together in a little js file, and it pulls from a YouTube playlist so I don't have to put music files on my website! THIS MAKES EVERYTHING EASIER!!!!!


I thought the site has been WAY overdue for a makeover, so I did a total overhaul! A couple things have changed: I put everything onto one page with tabs, so no more jumping around and waiting for things to load! Unfortunately, I'm going to do away with Beat of the Week. It's a fun concept, but I'm not active enough to be able to update it consistently. However, I'm going to replace it with a featured song, so it can fill the hole that BotW left.
I've completely changed the HTML of my website so that there is no inline CSS. I made everything as "modular" as possible, so I can really have some fun with CSS. I did this so that the themes can get really wacky! With that being said, some of the pages outside of the main page are going to look like the old theme, but fear not! I plan to give each one a unique theme, so I don't feel so locked to the themes I have set in place. Trust me, they're gonna look awesome!
Many features of the site are kind of stripped right now, but I will update all of it in the future! I just wanted to get this update out so that no one has to look at the other ugly site anymore :3


Hey folks, welcome back to your irregularly scheduled site update! This time, I've added something to the extras page, like I promised... ladies and gentlemen, Foo Fighters! I've seen many of these "shrines" around Neocities, and I've wanted to make one for my favorite band for a long time. You should check it out on the extras page!


I have returned from the dead to bring you... the EXTRAS PAGE!!!!!!! I for SURE plan to add more to this, but for now all I've added is the arcade! which has games! and stuff! CHECK IT OUT!!

About Me!

I'm joshtrademark, and I'm the cretin who runs this site! I like electronics, programming, video games, talking to people, drawing furries, and drum n' bass. I originally made the site to just be a better version of a bio, but the more I looked at other people's pages the more I realized how endless the possiblites are. So, I decided to go all out and use it as another way for me to express my creativity and practice HTML/CSS. I use my fursona, Fane, to represent myself on the interwebs, so you'll probably see a lot of him around here!
My email: joshthefox05@gmail.com
My discord: joshtrademark
My Neocities
My Steam

About the Site!

This website contains all the little things I like to do with my passtime, like art and web design! I also love to collect buttons and stamps, so you'll see those scrolling on the bottom all the time :3
The projects page will include all my, quote unquote, "projects!" These are basically just pages for my hobbies, like art and CD collecting! The extras page has other web-stuff that I make, like flash game collections and shrines.
The sidebar on the right also has some neat stuff! The themes dropdown has all sorts of themes that I love making! I update the featured song very infrequently, but do watch out for new songs! I try to put underground music (drum n bass) on it, so if you want to hear something new then be sure to keep an ear out! If I come across your page and I think it's cool, then I'll add your button to my "cool pages" section! Finally, there is a NavLink Ad, made by Dimden, which links to someone else's page and changes every 30 seconds! If you make a Neocities page, I highly encourage you to make an ad and submit it!
Why did I make a Neocities? Well, I love the internet as much as the next guy, but I also hate social media as much as the next guy! I stumbled upon Neocitites one day and decided to make one. If you're tired of social media and you haven't made a website already, THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!

Art Room

See the progress I've made on my art!

CD Collection

Look at all the CDs I've collected!

Electronics Projects

Still nothing here yet, sorry!

I'm going to give this page a unique look soon!

Foo Fighters Shrine

A shrine for my favorite band!

Josh's Awesome Arcade

Flash games and arcade games!

Chicken Scratch

My silly little blog!